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英語 ブック しかけ絵本 ナンバーズ 18点セット機動戦士ガンダムTHE ORIGIN 1巻 初版悪党に粛清を -THE SALVATION-[パンフレット]進撃の巨人 画集FLY【全巻初版】アオのハコ2巻〜16巻【特典計10点セット付き】
The author, Naoki Inose, was vice governor of Tokyo, has also written biographies of writers Kikuchi Kan and Osamu Dazai.
Yukio Mishima (b. 1925) was a brilliant writer and intellectual whose relentless obsession with beauty, purity, and patriotism ended in his astonishing self-disembowelment and decapitation in downtown Tokyo in 1970. Nominated for the Nobel Prize, Mishima was the best-known novelist of his time (works like Confessions of a Mask and The Temple of the Golden Pavilion are still in print in English), and his legacy—his persona—is still honored and puzzled over.
Who was Yukio Mishima really? This, the first full biography to appear in English in almost forty years, traces Mishima's trajectory from a sickly boy named Kimitake Hiraoka to a hard-bodied student of martial arts. In detail it examines his family life, the wartime years, and his emergence, then fame, as a writer and advocate for traditional values.
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